Work Place Safety and How You Can Save Lives

Work Place Safety

Did you know the cost of disabling injuries reached over $60 billion in 2015? Noticeably, these costs are paid by the companies and without suitable plans in order, organizations can end up paying hefty costs that can also affect worker’s health, income, and overall organizational productivity. here’s what you should know about work place safety and how  you can save lives:

Promoting a Workplace Safety Culture

Take a minute to think in what different ways you address the significance of workplace safety to your workers. Does it get thrashed out every month or annually?

If you’re really looking to reduce statistics linked with injuries and overexertion, consider making your work environment safe and secure for your workers. To do this, the first step would be to analyze the root causes of your most severe workplace injuries and routinely check over the place for possible safety issues in machinery and work design.

In addition to that, you can also acquire services of a professional occupational health expert to discuss what preventive measures you could take to protect your workers from any possible injury or accident.

Once you know the most important safety areas, you’re all set to bring your workers on board to conscribe their support in establishing an organizational culture where worker’s safety and health are the top priority.

Below you will find a list of steps that can help you get started…

Provide Training to Your Employees

Exhaustive training is crucial for avoiding workplace injury and accidents. Make sure all of your workers have an approach to complete training in their respective departments. Rewards are one of the ways you can keep your workers motivated. Announcing small rewards for workers who follow safety policies will keep them committed which can definitely make a sizeable difference in decreasing safety hazards.

Collaborate with Occupational Health Experts

As discussed above, occupational health specialists provide great insight into workplace safety measures. These professionals are trained clinicians that can help you prevent workplace injuries by touring your worksite and determining high-risk areas. Also, these individuals can revamp workplace efficiency and establish performance appraisals to help you select better applicants for stressful and physically demanding positions.

Use Signs

Signs are an affordable yet effective way to communicate useful information. These signs and labels are generally very simple and make use of images to portray safety rules and procedures. Make sure to post signs and labels around the storage or production facility as these areas are usually more prone to accidents and injuries.

Provide Your Workers with all the Necessary Tools and Resources

The right set of tools and resources not only helps in the production of better products but also creates a safe and secure working environment for the workers. If you don’t provide your staff with appropriate tools and equipment like safety helmets, safety gloves or protective shoe covers, you can’t expect them to follow strict safety guidelines. Giving access to safety gear will further promote safety compliance. Also, be certain that all machines installed in your production unit are cleaned, maintained and in good shape as machine malfunctioning is one of the biggest causes of workplace hazards.

Insist on Safety from the Start

No matter how proficient your staff is, you can’t expect great results if they fail to take safety measures into account. Keep in mind, you have to insist on workplace safety from the start (from day one to be precise). Try to hire staff who pay attention to details. The work place safety is possible only if your workers are willing to follow preset rules and perform their jobs as per instructed directions. In certain cases, employers partner with physical therapists to assess the physical needs of each position. The outcomes are further used to set up practical job analyses and testing.

There is Always Room for Improvement

Workplace safety isn’t a passive thing. Allot time to discuss new ways to improve safety on the job. Consider the integration of the latest technological innovations into your system to encourage a greater level of safety at the workplace. Keep in mind, you have to follow a proactive approach to be over-prepared. Hold regular meetings and reassess safety laws from time to time to see whether or not they are in line with your working practices. Don’t forget to welcome your staff to share their opinions.

Make it convenient for your workers to come to you and share their health and safety issues. Choose a safety captain who is responsible to discuss problems pointed out by other workers with upper-level management. Talk to him on a weekly basis to review and assess what other improvements you can make to make your organization a better place for your employees.

Remember, as an employer, it’s your duty to provide the utmost safety and protection to your workers. Use above-listed tips to make your workplace safer, healthier and more productive than ever before.